Find Driving Instructors Near You with AA Driving School (2024)


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    Find Driving Instructors Near You with AA Driving School (2)

    Find Driving Instructors Near You with AA Driving School (3)

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    • 99% of our pupils would recommend us*
    • 75% of pupils passed with 40 hours of lessons or fewer

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  • Find Driving Instructors Near You with AA Driving School (2024)


    Does AA have free driving lessons? ›

    Can I be picked up from school or home for my first free driving lesson? The first free driving lesson will start and finish at the selected AA Centre, so that maximum time can be spent getting you started on your learn to drive journey. Arrangements for future lessons can be discussed with your AA Driving Instructor.

    Do you get a discount on AA driving lessons? ›

    New pupils

    And to help you get up and running, we've got great discounts on your first booking (as long as the instructor's participating).

    How much for driving lessons? ›

    The basic price for driving lessons in Dublin is €55.

    Your instructor will be R.S.A. A.D.I. qualified and experienced. They will be able to tailor your lessons to suit your needs and upload EDT lessons as needed. Pretest driving lessons / driving test preparation costs €55 per hour.

    Are BSM and AA the same? ›

    RAC's parent company, Aviva, sold BSM to Arques Industries AG in February 2009. In November 2009 the business was then sold to Managing Directors Abu-Haris Shafi and Nikolai Kesting and was then acquired by Acromas Holdings, which was the holding company for The AA and Saga in January 2011.

    How long are most driving lessons? ›

    If you are under 18, you will need six hours of professional drivers training before you can take your DMV driving test. A single driving lesson is 2 hours. How many hours you require depends on your goals, driving skills, and comfort level on the road.

    What happens if you miss a driving lesson? ›

    You must give at least 48 hours' notice to your instructor if you wish to cancel or re-arrange a booked driving lesson. Failure to do so may result in your instructor charging you the full amount for that driving lesson.

    How can I save money on driving lessons? ›

    1 Bulk book driving lessons

    Many driving instructors will offer a saving if you bulk-book lessons together. Check out what different driving instructors are offering if you're yet to choose one or ask your current driving instructor if there are any savings to be made.

    How many lessons do I need to pass? ›

    That said, most sources agree that 35-50 hours of driving lessons is better. The average amount of driving lessons should be 40-45 hours before taking your driving test. Some people decide that 20-30 hours or maybe even less is enough – but remember that the more lessons you take, the better you will become at driving.

    Is AA or red better? ›

    The AA is one of the most trusted brand names in the UK and deals with over 15 million members every year. The Red brand name is not widely known outside the field of instructor training and driving tuition-related services.

    How many lessons until you learn to drive? ›

    Research shows that, on average, it takes people 45 hours of driving lessons with a driving instructor plus 22 hours of private practice to pass their test. But those who manage 100 hours of driving lessons plus practice are much safer on the road after their test.

    Is it okay to change driving instructor? ›

    If you're unhappy and set on changing your instructor, the earlier you start the process, the better; changing instructors 3-4 weeks before your test is a lot easier than trying to change 3-4 days before your test!

    What does EDT stand for in driving? ›

    EDT stands for Essential Driver Training, a course for learner drivers with permits for category B vehicles, such as cars and light vans.

    What does AA stand for in driving? ›

    The Automobile Association of Kenya, often abbreviated AA Kenya is an independent motoring association that provides services to its members such as roadside assistance, driver training, motor vehicle valuation and car insurance brokerage.

    Is BSM good for driving lessons? ›

    BSM is one of the most experienced and trusted driving schools in the UK, with over 100 years of driving lesson experience dating back to 1910, 800 instructors across the country, and a sales team of over 100 staff waiting for your phone call.

    How much is it to become a driving instructor in the UK? ›

    A fully online course for the ADI qualification process over twelve months costs around £2,000. Group training means that any practical driving session is conducted with several trainees in the vehicle, only one of whom drives the vehicle for the lesson.

    How much are driving classes in Illinois? ›

    Combo Deals
    EXPRESS I package: (non rookie driver)$155 = 1 hour behind the wheel + DMV road exam with appointment included
    BEGINNER package:$460 = 8 hours behind the wheel + DMV road exam with appointment included
    CONFIDENCE BUILDER package:$550 = 10 hours behind the wheel + DMV road exam with appointment included
    2 more rows

    How much does it cost to learn driving in us? ›

    On average, driving lessons in the USA cost between $30 to $60 per hour. However, this can vary depending on the location of the driving school. For example, driving classes in metropolitan areas tend to be more expensive than those in rural areas.

    Can I cancel an AA driving lesson? ›

    If you want to cancel a booking. You must give your instructor a minimum of 48 hours' prior notice of cancellation for any driving lesson. If you are unable to speak with your instructor, you are able to cancel lessons using our Website/App provided that you are giving 48 hours' prior notice.

    How old is AA driving school? ›

    To diversify its services, the association started operating a driving school in 1962 beginning with a single Ford Anglia.


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    Author: Lakeisha Bayer VM

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    Author information

    Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

    Birthday: 1997-10-17

    Address: Suite 835 34136 Adrian Mountains, Floydton, UT 81036

    Phone: +3571527672278

    Job: Manufacturing Agent

    Hobby: Skimboarding, Photography, Roller skating, Knife making, Paintball, Embroidery, Gunsmithing

    Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.