Fermented in a sentence | 99+ Example sentences (2024)

1. Traps can be made more effective by using the various fermented products on the market such as apple cider beer (fermented apples), vinegar, wines, whisky, etc

2. Beer: Beer is produced from fermented hops

3. Fermented products are treated differently then you might think by the plant kingdom

4. “Yeah, some of the casks on some of the outer islands are pretty fermented ,” Yellelle told her, “especially back in these days

5. fermented liquid dried it would mimic the attributes of super glue and that I would

6. After the fur was burned off, the whole had been continuously basted in a sweet 'n sour, lightly fermented sauce

7. It was a good thing those fermented eggs don't stay with you

8. Soap, salt, candles, leather, and fermented liquors, have, indeed, become a good deal dearer, chiefly from the taxes which have been laid upon them

9. She sniffed the air, hoping to catch a fermented scent

10. The employment of a brewer, and even that of a retailer of fermented liquors, are as necessary division's of labour as any other

11. Though individuals, besides, may sometimes ruin their fortunes by an excessive consumption of fermented liquors, there seems to be no risk that a nation should do so

12. The excise upon the materials and manufacture of home-made fermented and spirituous liquors, is, accordingly, of all the different taxes upon expense, by far the most productive ; and this branch of the excise falls very much, perhaps principally, upon the expense of the common people

13. Fermented liquors brewed, and spiritous liquors distilled, not for sale, but for private use, are not in Great Britain liable to any duties of excise

14. A fermented liquor, for example, which is called beer, but which, as it is made of molasses, bears very little resemblance to our beer, makes a considerable part of the common drink of the people in America

15. Mead - A fermented beverage made from honey

16. He explained that vino was juice pressed from uvas (grapes) and then fermented into a strong drink

17. He and Roy, a tee totaling Southern Baptist from Kentucky who drank nothing stronger than fermented buttermilk, had been friends since their days together adjusting workers’ compensation claims in the Brooklyn Navy Yard during WWII

18. goddamn street in that house of twisted, fermented, putrid evil

19. My girl always bring this great warung pork or chicken grilled Steak with fried vegetables and served with a choice of rice, fried tofu, tempeh (fermented soybean

20. Claude observed sporadic encampments of goblins that muttered around cook-fires and drank fermented grog

21. By contrast, black and oolong tea leaves are made from fermented leaves, which results in the EGCG being converted into other compounds that are not nearly as effective in preventing and fighting various diseases

22. Indonesian fermented soybean cakes may not necessarily be to everyone’s taste, but those who enjoy it receive plenty of protein without having to kill a cow – making this a nutritious treat for vegetarians and vegans

23. From the farmer one could purchase the very best of fermented

24. enhancing syrup, then the syrup is fermented simply by adding

25. tongue’s taste for fermented fruit

26. Trollish beer is rich and dark and heavy with floating gobs of fermented plant material and 204

27. As mentioned previously, special all-night propitiatory ceremonies are done to bless the seed maize, which is fed with turkey soup, cacao, and boj (fermented cane juice), and the blood of sacrificial chickens

28. A portion of the fermented grains were then saved by people in the past to begin the fermentation of the next batch of bread

29. Sauerkraut, pickles and condiments are fermented and can add nutrients to our diets

30. Yogurt and kefir (which will be discussed shortly), both the products of fermented milk, can help intestinal health and keep yeast infections from spreading

31. Many people suffer from the adverse side effects of antibiotics, such as an increase in the body’s yeast, from the death of the friendly bacteria, and the consumption of fermented foods can make all the difference, reestablishing the friendly bacterial colonies

32. There are many different kinds of fermented foods and beverages

33. From yogurt to wine to sauerkraut to kimchi, fermented foods are found in all cultures as a part of their traditional diets

34. All condiments were originally fermented

35. Modern condiments are no longer fermented, but use vinegar instead

36. This is sad because fermented foods have added vitamins, minerals, enzymes and other nutrients that our bodies desperately need

37. Although the tea is fermented, it is not an alcoholic beverage as such, as it only contains minute quantities of alcohol (typically 1% by volume

38. Steak sauce is fermented and will actually cause the body to absorb the minerals in steak better than if eaten without some sort of fermented food

39. Remember pickled beets? Corn relish? Heinz used to boast of 57 varieties of sauces, each one fermented

40. Now it seems that we are down to ketchup, pickle relish, salsa and steak sauce, and although they historically were fermented, today’s massed produced condiments rely on sugar and vinegar rather than lactic acid as a preservative

41. Gingered carrots, pickled peppers, raisin chutney and fermented bean paste not only tastes good, but are good for you as well

42. Homemade ketchup, mustard and relish, fermented as God intended, are easy to make and are much better for us than the commercial brands

43. The taste of these dishes improved as they fermented because the flavors have a chance to “marry” and become one

44. This is because the fermented vegetables contain certain enzymes that aid in the digestion of cooked proteins

45. Fermented fruits and vegetables are excellent sources for lactobacilli, or lactic acid producing bacteria, that aid in digestion and will enhance the vitamins, most notably C, already contained in the food

46. Hildegard, a medieval sage, believed spelt to be better for the sick and weak than other grains, apparently because the gluten in spelt breaks down easily when fermented, as often it was for sourdough bread

47. The leaves are light green and are not fermented, like black tea, giving the tea a grassier flavor

48. “What racket?” asked Rip as he crawled into the room, still incapacitated from the sickness of the fermented Crabbit liqueur

49. Yogurt, acidophilus milk, and kefir are fermented milk products that have been reported to lower cholesterol in most, but not all, double-blind and other controlled research

50. A fermented food made from soybeans

51. Xylitol is not fermented by the oral bacteria, and it inhibits bacterial growth

52. He was constantly full of jealousy and rancour towards his boss, Officer Sheikho, for how was it that an officer, especially an Arab officer, who had the same rank as his, have authority and superiority over him, whereas he was his deputy and had to answer to him, having no right to give any order without Aslan’s permission? Day after day envy and resentment fermented and bubbled in his heart… and surely one day it would overflow!

53. fermented away so from the weight point of view dry wines are better than

54. as I can remember, it was actually the case that even the first hint of a sip of fermented drink

55. Wines on the lees: Wine fermented from its sediments

56. They used the run-off sour grapes to make a second mash from it that fermented too long

57. These personal human dynamics may in turn be exacerbated and fermented by perceived and/or real ‘wounded’ sentiments and egos, and the distorted and perverted quest for personal benefits and security, juxtaposition with the desire for retribution and/or to be ‘right’ with ‘God’ and/or ‘powerful others’

58. and fermented? OUCH! The pain! Okay! What's the point of it al ?

59. Others feel that a heavy consumption of green tea and fermented soy beans does wonders for your hair

60. fermented to subside without allaying by some means or other relieved

61. It was a little too provoking even for her self-control that this blooming youngster should flourish on the disappointments of sadder and wiser people—making a meal of a nightingale and never knowing it—and that all the while his family should suppose that hers was in eager need of this sprig; and her vexation had fermented the more actively because of its total repression towards her husband

62. Cocoa is a fermented seed from the cacao tree, which is usually grown in hot and rainy regions around the equator

63. The fierce Mongols and the ferocious Tartars drank of Kumiss, or fermented Mare’s Milk, to raise Visions in their Brains; and the Celts perform’d a sacred Wedding betwixt Mare and King to ensure Fertility of Crops and Men

64. In order to enhance the sense of autumn, the fish is served with newly picked yellow chanterelles, fermented beans, and freshly cut artichokes

65. All the subconscious suspicion and fear that had gathered secretly all afternoon and fermented like a wine in her

66. Kvass is of various sorts: there is the common kvass of fermented rye used by the peasantry, and the more expensive kvass of the restaurants, iced and flavoured with various fruits

67. —, researches on wines and other fermented liquors, xxviii, 42

68. — and other fermented liquors, researches on ingredients of, L

Fermented in a sentence | 99+ Example sentences (2024)


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Name: Barbera Armstrong

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Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.