7 New Cacao Recipes That Will Cure Any Craving That You Have ... (2024)

I just adore finding new cacao recipes to love and make in my home. Many cacao recipes are available on the web today, but I’m always up for finding new ones that aren’t so traditional. To help you discover new ways to use the medicinal powers of cacao in your home, I thought it would be nice to share some of the newest cacao recipes on the web with you. Branch outside the chocolate box, so to speak, and try cacao in a whole new way. I think you’ll find in no time, that while cacao is great in common recipes like smoothies and such, that it is also useful and delicious in so many other recipes. Try these new cacao recipes out and let me know if find one you enjoy! I’d love to hear what you think.

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Coconut and Cacao Nibs Pancake Stack

7 New Cacao Recipes That Will Cure Any Craving That You Have ... (1) If you think you can’t have healthy chocolate pancakes, then let me prove you wrong with one of my favorite new cacao recipes, which are The Healthy Foodie’s grain-free and gluten-free coconut and cacao pancakes. They are so delicious and surprisingly healthy for you, though you’ll never know it! Coconut and cacao are both great brain foods, so eating these pancakes for breakfast is a great way to get the right start to your day in the most delicious way possible!
Serves: 1
½ cup coconut flour
¼ tsp. baking powder
1 tbsp. almond butter, cashew butter or pecan butter
7 egg whites
½ cup water
1 tsp. cacao nibs
Garnish ( optional):
1 tbsp. cacao nibs
1-2 tsp. raw honey, raw agave or coconut nectar
Combine all ingredients except cacao nibs in a food processor and blend until well combined. Add cacao nibs and mix with a spoon to incorporate. Heat a non stick pan coated with cooking spray over medium-high heat. Spoon as much or as little pancake batter onto griddle, depending on what size you desire. A little less than ¼ of a cup per pancake will yield about 8 small pancakes. Turn pancakes over when tops are covered with bubbles and edges look cooked. Transfer to low temp oven to keep them warm while you cook the remaining pancakes. Serve warm and garnish with cacao nibs, cinnamon and a drizzle of raw coconut nectar, or raw honey.

Source: thehealthyfoodie.com.

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Tropical Fruit Salad with Cacao Nibs

7 New Cacao Recipes That Will Cure Any Craving That You Have ... (3) Perhaps you’re not a heavy eater in the morning, but still need a little something sweet to start your day, yet still nutritious too. How about trying some of this amazing fruit salad with sprinkles of cacao nibs and chia seeds on top? I love the simplicity behind this raw recipe, and it has a unique ingredient list that most people wouldn’t normally think of. The fruits are especially a nice combination of something different than your usual banana and blueberry combo most people enjoy in the mornings. Oh, and when you add the cacao nibs, you might have just found yourself a new favorite breakfast recipe, or dessert recipe, any time of the day!
Serves: 1
1 cup pineapple, cored, chopped and cut into 1 inch pieces
1 cup kiwi, peeled and cut into medium dice (from about 3 medium kiwis)
1/2 banana sliced
1 cup mango, peeled and cut into medium dice (from about 1 medium mango)
1 1/2 cups papaya, peeled, seeds removed, and cut into medium dice (from about 1 medium papaya)
1/4 cup sliced almonds or slivered almonds
2 tablespoons cacao nibs
2 tablespoons freshly squeezed lime juice

Toss all the fruit in a bowl and combine. Sprinkle the lime juice on top, along with the almonds and toss again. Top with the chia seeds and cacao nibs and serve cold.

Source: chow.com


Raw Acai Fudge

7 New Cacao Recipes That Will Cure Any Craving That You Have ... (5) Have you ever had raw acai and cacao together, and not in the form of a smoothie? The two flavors of acai and cacao are two of my favorites! Acai is a powerful superfruit originating from Brazil, and it tastes much like blueberries and chocolate combined. It is not only delish in a smoothie, but also amazing in a fudge recipe. Since cacao is often used in fudge recipes, I thought I would share this recipe with you which takes a twist on traditional fudge and gives it a superfood twist. Enjoy this impeccable flavor combination, which I think you’ll learn to love quickly!
Serves: 12 pieces of fudge ( 1 inch x 1 inch)
1 cup raw acai powder
2 tbsp. raw cacao nibs
1 tsp. raw melted coconut oil
10 large pitted dates
Place all ingredients in a food processor. Process until dates are fully incorporated with acai until a ball of dough forms. Remove the dough and press into a 8x8 inch pan flat. Refrigerate for 30 minutes.Remove and cut into one inch squares and serve.You can store these long term in your freezer or in the fridge for a week covered.

Source: chow.com

7 New Cacao Recipes That Will Cure Any Craving That You Have ... (6)

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Crunchy Cacao Caramel Apples

7 New Cacao Recipes That Will Cure Any Craving That You Have ... (7) Forget normal caramel apples this fall and try adding some cacao nibs to them! When combined with the magical flavors of crisp, sweet apples, succulent caramel and intoxicating vanilla, cacao nibs become awake and alive like you’ve never had them before. Then add in some creamy chopped cashews to the mix, and you’re in caramel apple heaven! Make these this fall season for any crowd of your choosing, but be warned; you could have people knocking at your door all season long begging for more of these!
Serves: 4
1 cup raw cashew
¾ raw cashews (used separately)
½ cup raw cacao nibs
2 tbsp. coconut oil ( organic if possible)
¼ cup water plus 2 tbsp.
¼ cup maple syrup or agave
1 tsp. vanilla extract
1/16 tsp. Himalayan sea salt ( or regular sea salt)
4 Honeycrisp or Golden Delicious apples for the best flavor
4 chopsticks or popsicle sticks
Wash the apples, remove the stems and set aside.
For the Caramel Sauce:
Blend the cashews, coconut oil, water, maple syrup or agave, vanilla extract and salt in a high speed blender until very smooth. Pour into a bowl. Refrigerate for 3 hours to thicken. Place the chopsticks (or popsicle sticks) through the center of the apples. Dip the apples in the caramel and roll around to coat.
For Crunchy Cacao Coating:
Mix ¾ cup cashews and cacao nibs in a medium bowl. Pour onto a plate. Roll the caramel coated apples to coat evenly. Place on a plate and serve. Can be stored in the refrigerator. If you have any leftover caramel and coating, mix them together and freeze for candy.

Souce: navitasnaturals.com

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No Bake Cacao Butter Bars

7 New Cacao Recipes That Will Cure Any Craving That You Have ... (9) Forget your typical no bake bars and make some with cacao butter instead! Most no bake bars feature peanut butter and some oats with maybe some chocolate chips thrown in, which is great, but a little boring if you ask me! Let’s take things up a notch, shall we? Cacao butter is rich in fat, but it is so satisfying, just one little square of this will hold you over for hours. Plus, the fats are raw, which means they are amazing for your brain and body. Raw fats are completely different than processed or heated fats that have lost their nutritional value to some extent. You can find cacao butter online or at stores like Whole Foods and it truly is, one of the most amazing foods you’ll ever try. If you haven’t had it yet, make these no bakes your first experience!
Serves: 16 squares
1 cup of almond meal ( gluten-free)
1/3 cup gluten-free oat flour
¼ cup raw cacao butter
2 tbsp. raw cacao powder or Dutch processed cocoa powder ( dark cocoa)
¼ tsp. Himalayan sea salt
10 drops of NuNaturals liquid stevia ( or another brand)
6 tbsp. raw cacao nibs
Line a 9-inch square or 9-by-12-inch rectangular pan with crisscrossed sheets of unbleached parchment paper, leaving enough of the parchment paper to overhang all 4 sides of the pan. Set the pan aside. In a large bowl, place the almond flour, oat flour, cocoa powder, salt and stevia, and whisk to combine well. Set the bowl aside.

Place the cacao butter in a medium-sized microwave safe bowl. Heat in the microwave on 70% power for 1 minute 30 seconds. Remove from the microwave and stir. Return to the microwave and heat again on 70% power for 1 minute. Remove and stir. Return and microwave again for 1 minute. Once the cacao butter is mostly liquefied, continue stirring until the last small pieces have melted. It will be a thin, light brown liquid.

Pour the melted cacao butter, then the vanilla, into the bowl of dry ingredients, and mix to combine. The mixture will be very soft. Allow the mixture to sit for about 2 minutes to cool down just slightly (so most of the chips don’t melt when you add them). If you wait much longer than that, the mixture may begin to solidify and it will be difficult to spread it into the pan. Add the 4 tbsp. of the cacao nibs and stir to combine.

Pour the mixture into the prepared baking pan, and smooth it out with a wet spatula into an even layer. Sprinkle the top evenly with the remaining 2 tbsp. of cacao nibs and press into the top of the bars firmly and evenly throughout.

Place the pan in the refrigerator to allow the bars to harden (about 30 minutes). Lift the bars from the pan using the overhung pieces of parchment paper, and place on a cutting board. With a large, sharp knife, slice into 16 bars. Store at room temperature, or in the refrigerator. If you are planning to take the bars to-go, wrap each one individually.

Source: navitasnaturals.com

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Semi Raw Hot Cacao Mug

7 New Cacao Recipes That Will Cure Any Craving That You Have ... (11) This recipe is my very own, and one of my favorite, super simple ways to use cacao in a majorly decadent way. Instead of making regular sugary hot cocoa this year when it starts to cool off, how about making a semi-raw hot cacao mug instead? A hot cacao mug is nothing more than a healthier, semi-raw version of hot chocolate using raw cacao powder, stevia, and a few other wonderful ingredients. It takes minutes to make and I think it will become one of your favorites like it has become for me. Enjoy!
Serves: 1
6 ounces hot water( boiled on a stovetop or run through a coffee maker without the filter)
2 tbsp. raw cacao powder
1 tsp. raw maca powder ( optional, but adds a creamy texture and flavor
¼ cup almond milk, unsweetened vanilla
2 full drops of liquid vanilla stevia, or ¼ tsp. pure stevia extract powder
Slightest dash of cayenne powder ( enhances the flavor of the chocolate a good bit- just don’t use too much!)
Sprinkle of cinnamon
Pour the almond milk in an 8 ounce coffee mug or larger. Add the stevia and cacao. Last add the water and stir vigorously to incorporate everything smoothly. Last add the cayenne and cinnamon and stir again. Serve while warm.

Source: soulfulspoon.com

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Smooth Move Chocolate Treat

7 New Cacao Recipes That Will Cure Any Craving That You Have ... (13) I saved possibly the most incredible recipe for last, and it isn’t one of my own, if you’re wondering, though I do wish I could take the credit! This recipe is in fact, one of the most powerful, brain-boosting and energizing recipes of all. It features tons of delicious superfoods that combine perfectly with cacao in a truly magical way. Do yourself a favor and make this right now. Seriously, read the ingredients and go make it immediately. It looks like a simple chocolate shake, but trust me, is a whole new approach to cacao and shakes like you’ve never had before. If you don’t have all the ingredients need you can easily find them online or at any healthfood store like Whole Foods. It makes a perfect coffee replacement, even though it does contain just a bit of real coffee for an amazing espresso flavor.

Serves: 1
2 raw cacao powder
1 tbsp. raw maca powder
¼ cup raw hemp seeds
¼- ½ tsp. pure stevia extract powder or 2 full drops of liquid stevia
Touch of vanilla extract
6 organic espresso beans or regular coffee beans for flavor and an extra boost
1 tbsp. raw cashew ( optional but adds an extra creamy, thicker flavor and texture)
2 cups filtered water
5 ice cubes
Insert all the ingredients into a high powered blender like a Vitamix. Blend on low for about 10 seconds and then progress to high to incorporate and thicken. Blend for 10 more seconds. Stop the blender and scoop everything into a tall pre-frosted glass ( or regular glass) with a spatula, scraping down the sides of the blender since this will be incredibly thick. Serve immediately or cover and freeze 20 minutes for an easy homemade ice cream option.

Source: navitasnaturals.com

So there you have it ladies! Cacao is a must-have food for every woman, if you ask me. After all, a girl needs her chocolate and why not give yourself the best form of chocolate possible, especially in these unique and addicting recipes. What’s your favorite way to use cacao, or if you don’t use cacao, which recipe would you like to try the most?

7 New Cacao Recipes That Will Cure Any Craving That You Have ... (14)

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7 New Cacao Recipes That Will Cure Any Craving That You Have ... (2024)


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